The word Komyo Reiki Kai has changed to Komyo ReikiDo. Because Reiki Ryoho is not just about the art of healing. It is about the art and the Way of spiritual growth and development.

Hyakuten Inamoto
Hello! I'm Hyakuten Inamoto.
I'm here, You're here This is a very significant
meeting, I trust.
"When there's THIS,then THAT comes to be;
with the arising of THIS,THAT arises.
When there isn't THIS,THAT doesn't come to be;
with the cessation of THIS,THAT ceases."
Gassho !
*** a gateway to spiritual awakening and growth.
*** a keep-it-simple Reiki system and practice. It is based on Japanese aesthetics "Less is More".
*** The practice motto is "Place your hands, Surrender, and Smile". There is no room for other things. Reiki is all we need.
*** The teaching method is basically by word of mouth.
Hyakuten's mobile phone
hyakuten*komyoreikido.jpNote: Please change * to @